spacer.gif   The North Rupununi Community endcurve.gif
    midcurve.gif  Myalaman! Welcome to the North Rupununi!
North Rupununi

About Page

Village Life

Come and Visit


Makusi Culture

Favorite Links


The Rupununi is a savannah region of Guyana, South America, surrounded by some of the last virgin rainforest on the planet! The North savannahs are home to the native Makusi. You are welcome to explore the wonders of this amazing region here on these pages!

The North Rupununi

These pages profile the villages and lifestyle in the North Rupununi. Click on the menu to see sights and read about the features in different villages.

Site Developments

As this site develops it should come to include villages, people, culture and comments from throughout the North Rupununi of Guyana, South America.


Feel free to email me about this site!

Site Manager
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